Second Birthday

Birthday Gifts for 2 year

      Now Second Birthday means Baby turns two. In this age they enjoy to learn new things which keeps them engaged. To select a gift for this age you need to be creative. It is a time of learning new things so educational things are good option for them. In this age they love to experiment with different genres of music so musical things are good. They are very curious. They want to explore the whole word so functional toys are good.

  1. Educational toy
  2. First dictionary
  3. Block Game
  4. Musical Toy
  5. Puzzle Game
  6. School bag
  7. Bottle and tiffin set
  8. Colors and Drawing book set
  9. Racing Car or Doll
  10. Beautiful dress
  11. First books
  12. Tooth brush and paste set
  13. Three wheels pedal bike