9-12 Year

Birthday Gifts for 9-12 year

    This is the preteen’s time. Children are very active in this age. All the time they like to play and it is good for health so any indoor or outdoor games are good option according to their choice or gender.  This age group children like technology so you can go for any gadget. For this age they like to do the experiments so science kit is the good option. To increase the mind you can gift the puzzle game or the problem solving game. If you don’t have the the idea about the choice of the person or gender of the person then you can select some common things which are useful for both.





  1. Football
  2. Board games
  3. Story books
  4. Sports shoes
  5. Cycle
  6. Skates
  7. skates Action
  8. Jeans-t-shirt
  9. Mathematics game
  10. Science kit
  11. Sports watch